
Growing up, I had a difficult time fitting in with the crowd. I loved to dress up to go to school and for that reason I was considered an outcast or a black sheep. When I was a young girl, going to school was so much fun because I loved to learn and loved to dress up in pretty clothes. My mother and I, would spend quality time together deciding my next outfit. One day I dressed retro like Madonna, the next day I dressed like I was going to a business meeting. It was just something I loved to do, I was a trendsetter before even understanding the word. For that reason, I dealt with harsh rejection and was ostracized because I was simply misunderstood.  Often times I would sit alone, talking to people-trying to make friends was hard. This carried on well into adulthood and of course with that came severe depression and anxiety. In the early stages of my adulthood, I wore all black, assuming that if I closed myself off, if I hid the light that was inside of me, no one would think different of me. I was wrong of course. No matter what I said, did or wore- I was always singled out. I realized, I am killing myself to hide my light from the world, trying to hide my shine, but regardless of that fact- I will shine bright because that's apart of me, its who I am! From that day on, I set out on a journey of self love, healing and re-discovery. I am not there yet, it has been extremely rough, but I will get there and I want to help you along the way. 

Pryma Essence is the premiere hub for the free spirited. You'll find variations of all bohemian styles right here, all in one place. Fashion is all encompassing with an array of looks and styles that inspire all. It is the bohemian style that has a rich and vast history. The bohemian style is a mosaic of inspiration sprung forth by the admiration of various cultures since the beginning of time. In today's age, women love to show off their style with the latest trends and you can find those trends right here, no need to look any further. I strive to provide you with a look that will transform your confidence, because the tiger is in you honey, so let her roar!

Pryma Essence seeks to not only help women find their style and flair but also instills self-assurance and high self-esteem in all women. The goal is to encourage, inspire and motivate women to be naturally themselves, to work towards being their best and highest self through beauty and fashion. 



This boutique was designed to encourage women who struggle with self-love, and confidence through beauty and fashion. It's a home where you feel inspired to harness goddess energy by embodying unique, versatile styles. The energy you feel when you wear one of my pieces is powerful and strong. The goal is to motivate you to feel beautiful and empowered. What does it mean to have Goddess energy? Well in short, it's the act of showing love and appreciation to oneself. Whether it be through "self-care" rituals, taking care of your body, mind and spirit- both inside and out. Goddess energy means to adorn yourself in beautiful jewels, perfumes and oils that add to your radiancy.  It means to surround yourself with nature, plants, water, sun, crystals, it's all up to the individual and what their spirit yearns.  This allows you to be more open to receiving and manifesting. It allows you to raise your frequency, giving you space as a multi-dimensional being to vibrate higher. This is the part of my life that I have carelessly tried to skip over, but with humility and a weary heart now graciously accept. Please don't be like me. Take care of yourself. The world may fail you, but that does not mean you get to fail yourself. 


The vision is to create a community, a tribe where women who have struggled with self-love, acceptance, confidence can come together and uplift each other. We support each other, and  commune with one another. This is a tribe of women who vibe, connecting on a variety of levels. This community is essential in our socio-political climate. It seems that women are always pinned against each other. Women are forced to be in competition with the next female that crosses paths. As women, we are obligated to adhere to old social constructs that do not speak to our individuality nor the progression of the times-but instead, make us out to be low vibrational creatures when we are living and breathing goddesses. Pryma Essence will serve as a safe-haven for women who understand this plight and resonate with it wholeheartedly.  More importantly, Pryma Essence doe not bend to any religion but honors spirit, the Most High, the force whatever you so chose to call the divine. Pryma Essence is a place where women can feel protected, not be judged or ridiculed for thinking outside of the box. It is a place to grow, to seek, to ask and find, to discover and so much more.

 Quality and Quantity

The debate of having the most of something or the best of it has always been a question that has puzzled the mind. At Pryma Essence we want you to have it all. Our boutique gives you the best of both worlds. 

 Personality and Character

The Bohemian "look" goes beyond fashion and style, it is apart of who you are. It derives from the heart of you. Bohemians hold a deep oneness with the universe and all things good. Our personality shines regardless and it is characterized through our style. At the root of it all, to be bohemian is to be one with self. You are free to be who you are without a care in the world.